Thursday 20 July 2017

Energy Medicine – A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality – Donna Eden and David Feinstein

From Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Ph.D. – The world’s leading Energy Medicine Practitioners

Master How To Transform Your Body’s Energy Systems To Create Faster Healing, Longevity & Be In Tune With Your Own Natural Healing Energies

Join Donna Eden For An 8-Week Journey To Become A Profound User Of Energy Medicine So You That You Can MAGNIFY The Potential In Your Health, Happiness, Productivity, And Relationships — And Even Help Others. (There Is A Reason Why Western Institutions And Hospitals Have Started To Apply This…)

Why This Course

Instructor Profile

What You’ll Learn

Course Information

What Students Say

Enroll Now

This course is for you if:

You are fascinated by the potential of energy medicine and want to take a GIANT step towards mastering its use for healing yourself and others.
You are tired of the crisis-intervention style traditional medicine and wants to take control of your own health by working with your body’s energy systems.
You are looking for ways to compliment your doctor’s medical advice with natural practices of Energy Medicine so you can live longer, enjoy more vitality and experience superb mind-body connection.
As you probably know, more and more people are now feeling crippled by the limitations of Modern Western Medicine’s “crisis care” style of medicine.

And more and more people are now using, what National Institutes of Health (NIH) calls Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), as their savior.

Statistics show that about 38 percent of adults (about 4 in 10) and approximately 12 percent of children (about 1 in 9) in the United States are using some form of CAM.

That’s good news.

But there’s a problem too.

The CAM that are popular today has nowhere near the maturity of science and evidence that defines Modern Western Medicine in doing whatever they do…

Making it hard to accurately predict treatment outcomes when using CAM.

Isn’t that the reason why so many skeptics reject CAM?

But that is about to change.

What you’re going to see today is a form of CAM called Energy Medicine, which has gotten such great results and evidence of Modern Western Medicine that hospitals, surgery rooms, medical clinics, insurance companies and even medical schools are beginning to accept it.

At least one form of Energy Medicine is being taught to hospital staff at prestigious medical institutions like California Pacific Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, University of California – San Francisco, the University of Iowa, and Duke University Medical Center.
About 50 medical schools including University of Arizona, University of Vermont, and Ohio State University Medical Center are now offering Energy Medicine as an elective paper.
An American hospital survey conducted in 2005 revealed that 30% of the 1400 responding hospitals offer some form of Energy Medicine.
About 29 health insurers and HMO’s already cover common Energy Medicine practices.
In fact, many in America believe that…

Energy Medicine is the future of health and vitality.

And today, you have a chance to learn from from an early pioneer in this field.

Donna Eden and
David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Mindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.

But that is about to change.

What you’re going to see today is a form of CAM called Energy Medicine, which has gotten such great results and evidence of Modern Western Medicine that hospitals, surgery rooms, medical clinics, insurance companies and even medical schools are beginning to accept it.

At least one form of Energy Medicine is being taught to hospital staff at prestigious medical institutions like California Pacific Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, University of California – San Francisco, the University of Iowa, and Duke University Medical Center.
About 50 medical schools including University of Arizona, University of Vermont, and Ohio State University Medical Center are now offering Energy Medicine as an elective paper.
An American hospital survey conducted in 2005 revealed that 30% of the 1400 responding hospitals offer some form of Energy Medicine.
About 29 health insurers and HMO’s already cover common Energy Medicine practices.
In fact, many in America believe that…

Energy Medicine is the future of health and vitality.

And today, you have a chance to learn from from an early pioneer in this field.

One Of The Most Comprehensive Energy Medicine Frameworks Ever

Donna Eden is a gifted healer. She was born with a gift. That gift is the rare ability to see the body’s 9 Energy Systems. Whilst there are some people who can see Chakras, Donna can see an additional 8 systems.

The Body’s Nine Energy Systems:
Radiant Circuits
Triple Warmer
Celtic Weave
Five Rhythms
Basic Grid
The result was one of the most comprehensive Energy Medicine frameworks ever developed.

The framework that enabled Energy Medicine to…

Address biological processes at their energetic foundations and regulate them with precision, speed, and flexibility.
Develop interventions that can be readily, economically, and non­invasively applied.
Empower the patients to do the healing themselves.
Reveal a clear-cut path to turn anyone into an effective practitioner in a short time.
Even let practitioners experience Energy Synesthesia, the joining of senses.
This means now everyone can harness the incredible power of Energy Medicine.

Introducing Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine — A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality Course

Energy Medicine — A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality is a groundbreaking course that turns even a total newbie into an effective user of energy medicine to make a major difference in your own health, healing and vitality, and helping those you love.

Revealing FIVE of the nine energy systems of the body in full detail, this course contains…

Over 50+ tools that Donna and her husband David usually only teach on live workshops across the US.

Each week, you’re required to invest about 1 to 2 hours to watch Donna demonstrate her techniques. And after watching each week’s segment, you’re then required to put in at least 10 mins a day and practice the tools Donna gave you — by referring to the set of 8 illustrated handbooks that come with each chapter of the course.

What you will learn here is a step by step system that will train you to apply Energy Medicine into every aspect of your life.

The best part is, this course is NOT just a home study course.

It’s designed as a journey where your learning is accelerated with constant encouragement and interaction with an amazing community of like-minded Energy Medicine enthusiasts…

And you can even get your questions answered by Donna Eden herself.

Yes, that’s right.

About Your Trainer
Donna Eden was born with a gift. That gift is the ability to see 9 different bodily energy systems. While there are some people who can simply see Chakras, Donna can see 8 additional systems. However, Donna never used these gifts until her late 20s…

At the age of 27, she was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and could not move her muscles. She was told by 5 medical experts that she was going to die. This was when she started to take matters into her own hands, and began experimenting with her body’s energies. She discovered that she can manipulate these energy systems, and slowly started to heal herself.

Soon it became clear to her that her life’s mission was to make Energy Medicine available to anyone and everyone.

For the past 40 years, Donna has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our body is nothing but a collection of energy systems and that there are scientific means to naturally reclaim our health and vitality. She has developed a simple, scientific framework for teaching others, who do not have this gift, to nonetheless work effectively with their own energies.

Donna shares her experiences with Energy Medicine in many of her books including the New York Times Bestseller: ‘The Energies of Love’.

Today Donna is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in America, and together with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. (pioneer in Energy Psychology), they run the world’s largest Energy Medicine school. They have trained more than 100,000 students (including physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals) and this is just the beginning…

As Seen On:

Donna Eden teaching her students how to manipulate their body’s energies.

Donna Eden demonstrating an Energy Medicine technique at her energy medicine conference.
What Some Of The Worlds Leading Figures
Have Said About Donna Eden

Donna Eden is one of those rare healers.

“Even the most hard-nosed doctor will admit that some people have a healing presence that makes us, and our immune systems, better than before. Donna Eden is one of those rare healers.”

Gloria Steinem
American Feminist Icon and Journalist.
The most joyous and effective pioneers of energy medicine.

“Donna Eden is one of the most joyous and effective pioneers in the rapidly expanding and vitally important frontier called energy medicine.”

Christiane Northrup
M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
Donna Eden’s observations are a practical guide to managing the body’s energy.

“Donna Eden’s unique clairvoyant observations of energy patterns have led to a fabulous, practical guide to managing the body’s subtle energies.”

Richard Gerber
M.D., Author, Vibrational Medicine
The future of all medicine.

“Energy medicine is the future of all medicine.”

C. Norman Shealy
M.D., Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association
Donna’s contribution will stand as a foundation for holistic medicine.

“The contribution Donna Eden has made with Energy Medicine will stand as one of the backbone studies as we lay a sound foundation for the field of holistic medicine.”

Caroline Myss
Ph.D., World-renowned author, intuitive, and respected lecturer
The most brilliant, comprehensive and effective system.

“Donna Eden’s body-energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen.”

Jean Houston
Author, The Possible Dream
What You’ll Learn

Seven Ways Energy Medicine – A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality Will Transform You

You’ll start sensing your body’s signals of distress, allowing you to make healthy choices for getting back on track long before a crisis.
Energy Medicine shows that underneath biochemical processes is an energy flow which governs much of what is happening to the body. In fact, illness results from blocks in this energy flow. By learning to sense this energy flow, you can develop an early-warning system that helps head off a health crisis.
You’ll understand the nature of your own energy in ways that help you make leap in your health and vitality.
Energy blocks restrict the flow in the body’s energy pathways. Each person’s energies are unique, and by getting to know the nature of your own, you can take action to clear blocks and enjoy rapid and significant progress in your health and vitality.
You’ll develop the energetic vibrancy, mental clarity, and emotional balance you need to set yourself up for an extraordinary life.
By doing specific exercises that nurture your body’s energy flow, you can put yourself into the most optimum state for high performance, creativity, and resilience. This will support you in reaching goals in all parts of your life, and you will find yourself exceeding your own expectations for living a truly extraordinary life.
You’ll learn how to manage bodily stress and to function in the world with greater joy, ease, and flow.
Certain energy pathways, when blocked, trigger an immediate stress response when blocked. By supporting these pathways, you can interrupt or even prevent the stress response. This translates to better overall health and improved brain function.
You’ll have tools to select the food and clothing that is in energetic harmony with you, bringing out the best in you.
Every choice you make in life, however minute, will either enhance your energy or diminish it. You will learn to make the choices that optimize your energy and your life.
You’ll know how to work with other people’s energy in a way that harmonizes and rejuvenates them.
You will gain simple tools that can energize those who matter to you. It is a wonderful gift to be able to share.
You’ll experience greater spiritual expansion and growth that adds a new sense of meaning and fulfillment to your life.
By understanding your own energies, you begin to connect with your spirit or higher self in new ways. Spirit is, in fact, the original source of your energy field. Connecting with it more deeply results in higher states of joy, clearer sense of purpose, and greater overall peace of mind.
Case Studies from Donna’s students


“I was basically asleep for 40 years. Now, I feel like I’m awake and plugged back into LIFE!”
I experienced a miraculous transformation in my mental and emotional health from diligently performing The Daily Energy Routine. To my amazement, these techniques released me from a lifelong battle with depression! I had my first bout of major medical depression as a young child in the third grade, and for the next 40 years I lived in a state of dysthymia (chronic low-grade depression) with occasional serious episodes that were debilitating.

Then by a stroke of luck (or more likely by the grace of God), I found myself in a workshop led by Donna Eden. At that time, I was yet again in another very dark period and asked David Feinstein for help. He emphasized an exercise called the Homolateral Crossover, which was specifically designed to assist the chronically ill and depressed.

The recovery of my energy and vitality is a gift that I will always cherish, and often brings tears to my eyes. I am now dedicating my life and career to the study and practice of Eden Energy Medicine, as it’s my heartfelt wish to assist others who may also be suffering from depression or illness.
Editor’s Note: In a follow-up phone conversation with Vicki, she said, “I was basically asleep for 40 years. Now, I feel like I’m awake and plugged back into LIFE! This work has restored my passion and has given my life a purpose. I look forward to being of service.”

Vicki Goodrich
A Certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner

“Immediately, the migraine disappeared!”
“Initially, I inexplicably began experiencing a visual disturbance in the form of a vertical, jagged-edged bar of light appearing over everything I was seeing on my right side. It shone with silvery intensity and shimmered like heat waves. I later learned that this visual disturbance, called an ocular migraine, can accompany a migraine headache, although I did not have a headache.

I had self-studied several of Donna’s and David’s books and DVD sets and had taken classes on Energy Medicine for Women. Looking for relief, I tried the variation of the Wayne Cook posture.
At first, as I held the posture, I could still see the intense white bar of light in my right field of vision, even with my eyes closed. But as I relaxed and breathed, the light gradually faded and dissolved. In a few short minutes I opened my eyes and could see normally again. The visual disturbance has not returned since that time!”

Mary Brophy

“This protocol, from Donna, has worked perfectly for me!”
“I had been sick since Christmas, and it was already March and I had such a terrible fever with a cough that seemed I would break a rib. I couldn’t do what I usually did – just “muscle through” and I couldn’t get rid of my fever. I couldn’t get out of bed… for three days, then four days, then six days…then seven days… I became so dehydrated my doctor talked about having me sent to the hospital for fluids. No matter how much water I drank, my kidneys were so weak I was not urinating! The fever and the cough did not remit and despite medication, I became nauseous and the symptoms still persisted. Something was going on!

Mercifully, one day, I [spoke] Donna Eden. She listened to me describe the hopelessness of my plight and said simply, “The only time I have ever felt like that was when I was depleted of estrogen.”

Everything, but only EVERYTHING, clicked into place!!! Of course that was it! I had stopped using my bio-identical hormone cream months ago for some reason, and I had stopped doing my correcting of homolateral patterning!

Donna softly and gently directed me to Energy Medicine for Women to find the chapter on correcting estrogen deficiency. And – lo and behold! – the first correction is that of correcting homolateral! I went on to read what to do, and it was so simple, and worked immediately. I was completely well and back to ME within one day. I have remained back to me, at peak level, with only energy medicine and the addition of a few dietary changes along with the re-addition of my bio-identical hormone estrogen/progesterone cream.

This protocol, from Donna, has worked perfectly for me and now I rarely need my bio-identical hormone cream, compounded for me by my doctor.”

Gopita Katharine Manning
Course Information

This Is How We Structured The Energy Medicine — A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality Course So You Get Fast, Lasting Results In The Shortest Time Possible

(Because your time is precious)

This course is designed as an 8-week journey into the labyrinth of your body’s energy, to help you learn the language of your body, re-balance its energies, and encourage their free flow to help you live life at your full potential.

Along the way, through instruction, stories, and demonstrations, Donna and David will also reveal the dynamic principles of your body’s energies.

This will open a world of possibilities for enhancing your own health and vitality, which makes it…

The most valuable set of skills you’ll ever master.

You will be shown how to apply some of the procedures to another person. While you will learn the basics by simply watching and listening, you will find it more valuable if you can get someone to receive. It is not necessary that the person be taking the course, so try to enlist a partner who can join you at those moments.

Here’s how the program will unfold week by week:

This 8-week journey is best consumed on a week-to-week basis.
You can expect to spend about an hour each week on interactive video instruction, and 10-20 minutes each day on practicing the energy tools.
At the end of each week’s video, Donna and David will answer specific questions recorded with a live audience.
You will also learn a variety of energy dances from Donna’s daughter Titanya, who will be guiding you every week in a lively and fun session.

Using Energy Medicine to Fuel Your Vitality

You’ll get ready for this journey by hearing what your body is telling you and accepting where you are at – RIGHT NOW — as the first step on your pathway to greater vitality. Donna and David will describe the nine energy systems at the heart of Eden Energy Medicine, and preview the FIVE energy systems that you will learn about in forthcoming chapters. This first chapter introduces you to the practical application of Energy Medicine principles. Watch as Donna and David energy test individuals to discover more about the flow of energy through key meridians. Based on the results that you can see, Donna then shows three different ways to activate, strengthen, and rebalance the flow. You can follow along and tune up your awareness of energy flow in your own body. By the end of this chapter, you will be integrating some of these simple, yet surprisingly powerful Energy Medicine techniques in your own Daily Energy Routine.

Highlights of the week:

As you learn your body’s ‘energy language’, you can become better attuned to its signals and needs
You can influence the energies that flow through your body to encourage your own health
Learn how your energies affect the energies of others
Do short, simple exercises for an immediate energy boost
A Daily Energy Routine can build your long-term resilience and vitality. As your body learns healthy energy habits, you are less likely to fall prey to negativity and depression
Exercises for the week:

Trace Stomach meridian
Tapping the K-27 points
Tapping stomach points
Wayne Cook Posture and Alternative
The Daily Energy Routine
Energy Medicine Dance
Daily Energy Routine For The Entire 8 Weeks:
This routine is the key exercise that you will be practicing everyday throughout the 8 weeks to break the barriers between you and the healthy balance of energies that fuels your vitality and potential. Your DER will include…

The Crossover Shoulder Pull
The Four Thumps
The Cross Crawl
The Wayne Cook Posture and Alternative
The Crown Pull
The Neurolymphatic Clearing
The Zip-up
The Hook-up

Clearing, Grounding, and Balancing Your Energies

Energy Medicine techniques can help you counteract the effects of stress, build resilience, and open up to the positive energies of what you want to bring into your life. In this session, you will learn several very effective ways to achieve these results: Clearing your energetic pathways; grounding yourself, and freeing your system of toxins. This will enable you to take in nurturing energies from the Earth, to receive the energies of the Heaven, and to center yourself in this invigorating flow.

Highlights of the week:

Learn more about how the Daily Energy Routine builds physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance
Practice techniques to clear energy blocks and release excess energies or toxins
Use short, simple exercises to center and calm yourself energetically
How to ground your energies, and align them with the magnetic field and supportive energies of the Earth
How to recognize and correct a homolateral energy pattern that can sap your health, productivity, and joy
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Holding Neurovascular reflex points
The Blow Out
Spoon Your Feet
Smooth Energy Down Your Legs
Homolateral Repatterning
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Energy Medicine Dance

Relieving Stress with Triple Warmer and Spleen Meridians

This session explores the effects of stress on your energies, mind, body, and spirits. Learn about the Meridian Flow Wheel, a practical tool for understanding how meridians work as a connected system. Learn why maintaining a healthy balance between Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians can prevent or minimize the impact of stress. Follow along as Donna and David demonstrate a range of Energy Medicine tools to re-balance meridians, reprogram your response to stress, and accelerate your journey to vitality and joy.

Highlights of the week:

How the meridian system works to fuel your body and your vitality
How meridians recharge naturally through the day, and what this cycle of energy flow means to your health
How Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians act and interact to protect you and respond to stress
Consequences of Triple Warmer ‘on overdrive’
Simple, practical exercises to relax Triple Warmer, to strengthen Spleen, and to restore their healthy balance
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Triple Warmer Smoothie
Tracing TW Meridian Backwards
Sedating Triple Warmer Meridian
Flushing Spleen Meridian
Tapping Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex Points
Cross My Heart
Triple Warmer/Spleen Hug
Energy Medicine Dance

Using Energy Tests to Make Healthy Choices

Energy testing is a tool that can help you find out if a particular food or supplement is in harmony with your body’s energies. In Week 4, you will use energy testing to identify foods, supplements, and personal items (like jewelry), that support your health, vitality, and fullest expression of potential. This is going to be fun, as throughout the week you’ll be energy testing – sometimes turning your body into a dowsing rod – to learn what works for YOU, and help keep your body’s energies in balance.

Highlights of the week:

Energy meridian testing is a highly informative biofeedback mechanism that can show the flow and current function of your body’s energies.
How you or another person can prepare for and conduct tests of your energies (several techniques are available to you).
How to test the flow of your energies before and after an energy exercise to validate the impact of this work.
How energy tests using Spleen meridian can help you check which foods and supplements support your health (in general and in real time, meal-by-meal).
Self-testing methods to detect your own energetic response to clothing or other items you are considering for purchase.
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
The General Indicator Test
The Spleen Meridian Energy Test
The Pendulum Self Test
Self Test With Weights
Self Test With Leg Press
Valve Reset
Free the Diaphragm
Energy Medicine Dance

Working With Pain

No one is immune to pain. It can be a major barrier on the road to greater health and vitality. It can also be an ally and important messenger. In this session, Donna and David explore how pain relates to the flow of your body’s energies. They also give you a number of very effective Energy Medicine techniques and ‘first-aid’ tools to relieve or clear pain

Highlights of the week:

What is pain, and what is it telling you?
How Energy Medicine relieves pain
Simple Energy Medicine “first aid” tools
How the mind moves energy and affects pain
Stretching and pinching muscles to relieve pain
Tapping, holding, or pressing energy points to move pain out
Using magnets to relieve pain
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Siphoning energy or tracing Figure 8s
Counter-clockwise pain clearing
Breathing out the pain
Stretching and pinching muscles
Zone Tapping
Sedating meridians with acupoints
Headache isometric
Pain Chasing
Using magnets to relieve pain
Energy Medicine Dance

The Chakras

Chakras are spiraling wheels of energy that encode and process physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences. The 7 main chakras spin in front of the spine from the pubic bone to the top of the head. Because they store memories, the chakras can influence your sense of identity and affect your response to current experience.

Chakra energies play important physical, psychological, and spiritual roles in supporting health and vitality. Undigested experience (including emotional reactions) can become lodged in specific chakras and block healthy flow and further growth. In this session, you will work with the Chakra system to clear deep energetic blocks, release the past, and open your way to a renewed future.

Highlights of the week:

How meridians interact with chakras
Physical, psychological, and spiritual functions of the chakras
Primary themes of the major chakras, and how they affect vitality and personal potential
How do chakra layers work?
Energy testing individual chakras
Simple methods to clear and recharge the energies of each chakra
Testing and balancing energetic connections between chakras
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Tracing your meridians
Testing individual chakras
Quickie Energy Balance
Clearing and recharging each of the 7 main chakras
Testing and connecting pairs of chakras
Taking Down the Flame
Energy Medicine Dance

The Aura – Your Energetic Space Suit

Your aura is a multi-layered ‘cloud’ of energy that surrounds you and plays an important role in integrating and aligning your energy systems. Your aura serves two major functions: As your invisible spacesuit, it protects you from energies in the environment that might harm you. As an antenna, it pulls in resonant energies that support and harmonize all the energies in your body.

Disturbances in your aura can lead to health problems or to simply feeling out of it. These disturbances can be corrected with simple exercises. As you strengthen your shield against harmful influences and your Aura’s ability to take in what you need, you may experience surprising improvements in your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. A strong Aura promotes and protects your energetic integrity, and can optimize your connection to the Universe around you.

Highlights of the week:

What is the Aura and why is it important?
Aura as space suit — protecting you from harmful energies
Aura as antenna — connecting you with supportive energies
Aura as blueprint for your development
The layers and bands of the Aura
What happens when the aura is damaged or unhealthy?
How to test and correct a collapsed or detached aura
Checking and correcting for holes and tears in your aura
Protecting your energies from the influence of others
More ways to care for your aura
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Test for a collapsed or detached aura
The Butterfly and Reverse Butterfly
The Celtic Weave
Rebuilding the aura with magnets or crystals
Pushing or fluffing your aura
Zip-up Central Meridian
Energy Medicine Dance

Radiant Circuits – The Energies of Vitality & Joy

Radiant Circuits are subtle energies that produce higher states of happiness, spontaneity, accelerated healing, and the extra energy that fuels exceptional performance and joy. They are more ancient (in terms of evolution) than the meridians, and are not confined to fixed pathways. Instead, they move instantly where needed with a radiant glow that attracts vital energies from the environment and activates healing from within. This week you’ll learn how to plug into these circuits of divine creation.

Highlights of the week:

The magic of Radiant Circuits!
How Radiant Circuits fuel your energy systems, reinforce health and vitality, connect you to wellsprings of joy, and spark higher experience and growth
Daily activities and experiences that can activate Radiant Circuits
Five easy turn-ons: Short and simple exercises that plug you into Radiant Circuits
The role and function of individual Radiant Circuits
How to trace Radiant Circuits
Exercises for the week:

The Daily Energy Routine
Scapula Squeeze
Notice Breath, Soften Belly, Open Heart
Tracing Hearts
Butt in the Air
Smiling Down to Your Soul
Five Easy Turn-Ons
Tracing Radiant Circuits
Heaven Rushing In
Energy Medicine Dance
Plus the Bonuses


Set of 8 illustrated handbooks

Donna has crafted 8 illustrated handbooks that accompany each chapter of the course and will provide you with many exercises to try at home. Together these handbooks total more than 150 pages.


Three Pre-recorded Q & A Coaching Calls With Donna and David

Donna and David have answered all the frequently asked questions during three one-hour Q & A coaching calls that have been recorded for you. The recordings have been made available within the course.

Success Stories from Students Who Mastered Donna’s Trainings

“Energy Medicine changed my life but more importantly it changed my perspective on healthcare.”

Michelle, who has worked in conventional healthcare for over 30 years, was suffering from debilitating back pain and nothing was getting rid of it. Within 10 minutes of attending Donna Eden’s workshop she was shown a technique that instantly improved the pain in her back.

She found Donna Eden’s tools become wonderful resources for her to use with her patients as she brought them into her conventional practice. For Michelle, the tools she gained from Donna Eden’s Energy medicine were gentle and powerful, and really changed not only her life but also her perspective on healthcare.

Michelle Earnest
“It’s phenomenal work and it’s so accessible, we can all access it.”

Prune became a Donna Eden Energy Medicine practitioner and finds that the empowerment, the language, and the vitality it gives you is amazing. She has worked with using Energy Medicine as a tool to help people with difficulties such as fertility and also to help people struggling to transition through their lives.

Prune Harris
“It gave the power back to me in my hands instead of being dependant on a healer and constant recurring sessions.”

Tara, who is now trained as a Donna Eden Energy Medicine practitioner, loves empowering her clients with the tools she has been given that allow them to affect their bodies and their energy. She found that teaching some of these tools to the mother of a little girl who had problems with chronic bedwetting helped solve the issue.

This was life changing both for Tara and for other children who were able to move through that. Personally it has helped her a great deal and it has taught her to be more in tune with her own body and her own energy.

Tara Beck
More Stories About Donna

“Donna Eden is one of those rare healers.”

Even the most hard-nosed doctor will admit that some people have a healing presence that makes us and our immune systems better than before. Donna Eden is one of those rare healers.

Gloria Steinem
American Feminist Icon and Journalist
“The most brilliant, comprehensive and effective system.”

Donna Eden’s body energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen.

Jean Houston, Ph.D.
Author, The Possible Human
“Donna Eden’s observations are a practical guide to managing the body’s energy.”

Donna Eden’s unique clairvoyant observations of energy patterns have led to a fabulous, practical guide to managing the body’s subtle energies.

Richard Gerber, M.D.
Author, Vibrational Medicine
“Eyesight improvement.”

The result of having stopped the deterioration of my client’s eyesight with EEM feels wonderful.

Helga Holtmann
“One of the most gifted practitioners and captivating teachers.”

Donna Eden is widely recognized as one of the most gifted practitioners and captivating teachers of these methods.

Warren Jacobs, M.D.
Pioneer in Medical Applications of Touch for Health
“She’s able to lead her client on a road back towards health.”

Donna Eden is one of the few practitioners whom I would call a ‘Master Healer’. Her empathy, insight, and curative powers are so strong that she is able to consistently locate the deepest source of her clients’ problems, free their reservoir of untapped vitality, and lead them on a road back toward health.

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Author, The Realms of Healing
“Donna Eden is one in a million.”

Donna Eden is probably one in a million in her gifts of seeing, feeling, and transforming energy, and those who follow her suggestions will receive wonderful benefits for themselves and their families.

John F. Thie, D.C.
Founder, Touch for Health
“Amazing feedback.”

I have never worked with a speaker where I have received so much positive feedback after their talk. And that includes all the big names.

Anne-Marie Lewis
Conference Organizer
Enroll Now

Our Commitment To Leading Edge Education At Prices That Everybody Can Afford

Typical tuition fees for a program of this caliber, where a master practitioner guides you through the best energy medicine tools and techniques over a period of 8 weeks… will typically cost you thousands of dollars.

Mindvalley is committed to creating the best programs in the world in our categories (like Energy Medicine) and then delivering them at a fraction of the regular price since we have economies of scale.

Our regular enrollment fee is $1095 for a program of this type and caliber.

But since this program is a new addition to Mindvalley’s catalogue, you can enroll at the small investment of $445.

Don’t Decide Now — Try Energy Medicine: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality For 30 Days

You can enroll now, go through the materials for the next 30 days risk-free. And then you can decide whether to keep the program or not.

And if you’re not over-the-moon with your results, simply email our team via and your entire investment will be instantly refunded (please see details below).

It’s that easy.

So get started now. You have nothing to lose but a whole new world to gain.

Click the “Add-to-Cart” button below.

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As Mindvalley’s Customer Happiness Manager, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with this course. Our support staff consistently rank among the top of all companies using NiceReply, which scores customer support service. Know that you can always reach us via our support center, or directly at, or call 1 888 597 8384 (Monday to Friday, 7am – 7pm Pacific Time).

On top of that, enjoy peace of mind with Mindvalley’s Triple Satisfaction Guarantee:

Advantage 1Results — We work only with the best teachers and courses that deliver amazing results.
Advantage 2Quality — Mindvalley is known for World Class Customer Service, Design and Learning Experience.
Advantage 3You’re Safe — this means you can enroll in this course and get full digital access instantly and still claim a full and timely refund within 30 days if it does not meet your expectations. If you choose the Mindvalley Membership please see details above.

Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Click the “Add to Cart” Button And Try Energy Medicine: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality Now

Complete 8-week journey on Energy Medicine with Donna Eden to master FIVE out of the NINE energy systems in your body so you can start healing yourself and others.
Set of 8 illustrated handbooks totaling 150+ pages with detailed instructions for every Energy Medicine technique described in the course.
An unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can be sure this course is the perfect fit for you with no risk on your part.
And award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.

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Don’t Leave Your Health & Your Future To Chance

You don’t have to make a decision on Energy Medicine: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality.

All we’re asking you is a “maybe.”

You don’t have to wait till a catastrophe hits you to start seeing the incredible potential of energy.

One extreme example is Brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor.

Her famous TED talk shows us how she came to her realization of this truth that “everything is Energy” when one fine morning she had a massive stroke and her brain functions slipped away one by one.

She started feeling and seeing all this Energy around her.

She felt enormous and expansive and one with the Energy around her.

And with that understanding her journey back to good health has been swift.

Are you waiting for an event, that shocking, for you to finally realize YOUR truth?

The truth is… you can experience the power of energy TODAY with Energy Medicine: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality.

You can step off the old paradigm and choose the health and vitality you deserve…

And it doesn’t matter how old you are…

Or how dire your circumstances are…

Experiencing the power of Energy on a personal level will change everything.


That’s why we encourage you to try out Energy Medicine: A Personal Journey To Health And Vitality now.

So you can live the life of health, vitality and joy.

And even help others.

Starting today.

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